A premium outdoor kitchen will help you to realize your food creation dreams. But what good is the outdoor kitchen if you can’t sit and enjoy the food? At Queen City Outdoor Living, we understand that the design, layout and size of your outdoor space is crucial to cultivating a positive atmosphere, and having a good time. Before you begin to make arrangements by installing premium outdoor kitchen appliances, stop to make a few considerations.
#1 – What Are Your Summer Plans?
Beyond everything else, this is the most important item to consider.
Those with large outdoor kitchens will generally want to entertain large quantities of guests. If so, your yard arrangement should reflect that. Conversely, yard space intended primarily for your immediate family should be portioned out differently, generally more condensed. Either way, preemptively identifying the primary purpose for each area will go a long way in maximizing your enjoyment.
#2 – What does the Surrounding Area Look Like?
If you live right on a lake or other body of water, you should take advantage of it. Lush forests and other beautiful scenery make effortless additions to any outdoor living space. Positioning your premium outdoor kitchen around these features is a surefire way to promote friendly conversation, and help people to focus on the beauty of nature.
#3 – Where Will The Furniture Go?
Think about the spatial relationships between your premium outdoor kitchen and your outdoor furniture.
If you have the yard space, then putting your yard furniture away from the grill and other appliances may aid in separating the two sections. If not, just make sure that the two are not on top of each other (unless that is your preferred arrangement). When arranging your furniture, bear in mind that guests may need a couple of fee to push their chairs out from behind them when walking around.
Outdoor fireplaces and fire pits are ideal for congregating after dinner. Whether a small group will be engaging in reflective conversations, or a large group in friendly discussions, a fire can offer an escape from the normal tides of everyday life. Be sure to place fire pits and fireplaces away from plants, trees, and other flammable materials. After all, there are plenty of reasons to have an outdoor fireplace.
Queen City Outdoor Living has designed plenty of outdoor living spaces with minimal seating, like the bar below.
#4 – What’s the Ideal Shape?
While it might seem overwhelming, thinking of your outdoor living space in the context of geometry can help your design planning. Think of it as the new version of feng shui.
Long, wide rectangular living spaces with premium outdoor kitchens, seating areas and fireplaces are popular, and for good reason. These are the most practical, and do not leave much open space. Oval outdoor living spaces are appealing to the eye, but often include significant open space, which might detract from the overall appeal.
#5 – What Are the Regulations?
Your premium outdoor kitchen and living space should be an extension of your home– not a contradiction of it. When designing your living space, be sure to avoid color or design selections that may clash with your home, or the architectural style. Additionally, if your home has a large patio upstairs, be sure that it does not loom over you (or your guests).
Finally, zoning regulations concerning outdoor living spaces could conflict with plans for your premium outdoor kitchen. If you are uncertain about this, check with your local town, or consult one of our outdoor kitchen design and installation specialists.

While this list is intended as a helpful starting point, there are other ways to improve your outdoor living space as well. If you plan to entertain during the winter, then plan ahead by protecting your equipment.
Queen City Outdoor Living has been designing premium outdoor kitchens, installing fire pits and fireplaces, and aiding in the beautification of outdoor living spaces for several years. Our design and installation specialists are experienced in crafting the exact outdoor living space that you desire. Contact us for more information about our premium outdoor kitchen design, or another outdoor living-related service.